Ni hao! (hello)
We've left Phnom Pehn, the past few days were good and we walked all over the city however the killing fields and S-21 prison/museum (a.k.a Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum)were a bit difficult to handle. Especially the prison. They documented each prisoner along with a picture and a detailed biography of their lives. After walking around the grouds you enter another space that used to be used as interrogation rooms/cells and see row upon row of balck and white mug shots. It is amazing how many there were. Men, woman, soldiers, foreigners, children.. all documented. Their phtotos staring back really made an impact on just how unimaginably terrifying the 4 year occupation was and how many people were killed. It is estimated that the prison held as many as 20,000 people in total. Only 7 people survived the prison after escaping in 1979 when the Vietnamese finally came to infiltrate and end the occupation of the Kmer Rouge army. S-21 was only one of the many sights dedicated to the killings that happened during these 4 years.
After a relaxing last day in Phonm Penh we mad eour way to Beijing today and arrived at around dinner time. The flgiht was good, a little bit long but we're set up to hit the Great Wall tomorrow! We'll be travelling 3 hours out of the city to a more remote part of the wall to walk from one section to another (about 10k. We're told its beautiful and it will take about 4 hours with breaks at a normal pace. Its also supposed to be sunny tomorrow which is good news.
When we arrived at the airport i arranged for a driver from our hotel to pick us up however when we arrived a the hotel they had no recor of us booking even after i showed them 8 or 9 emails... ??? and the criver had my name and brought us here... ??? after all the confusion we got a sweet room with lots of space and its very very clean! (well everything is compared to Cambodia and Bangkok!)Ashely said a woman called the house in toronto..ahah thats funny.. how random!
Thats all for now.. only a few more days and i'll be back home! And my mother can exhale!
Take care and stay tuned,
Hay Babby,,,its me....Daddyo......first off....what "Woman" calld the house..thats a gerv thing ...reading between the lines 101 "I" could teach that after 35years with your mother.....I'd still like to know that woman called the house????...sounds like very interesting times comming "THE GREAT WALL" have fun enjoy you will be on one of the only visable man made "things" from space...very cool....S-21 sounds not to good..Im shure you leave with a different out look on just about "EVERYTHING"......keep good...and stay out fo trouble??......see u soon daddyo
the wall acually isn't visible from space... its a myth! i just learned that yesterday!
Hay Babby......NO NO NO..."DON'T argu with you daddyo...I'v seen it.....Dr Daddyo Suzuki...over and out........!!!!!!!!!
Been to China about ten times myself. Sometimes fun, sometimes not, depending on how deep you go into the country. Always left through Hong Kong which I would highly recommend visiting. Travel was fun but for business it got hard over 4 years.
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