HEllo! Yeah! Jessi is here! I picked her up at the airport a couple of days ago and the three of us have been touring the city.
Yesterday we headed to Chinatown, which was an insane mess of wholesale stores and markets stalls. My favorite was the sticker/patches store where i purchased 5 awesome tiger head iron on patches that i will find a use for one day. I had to hold back on the stickers...
After manoevering chinatown we headed to Siam square to go see a movie with JEss since the movie theatre is so amazing however 'Sex and The City' isn't opening until tomorrow.. change of plans.. instead we were weak and went to the Outback Steak House for Ribs and mashed potatoes! hahaha
LAst ngiht we found great live music at a makeshift bar set up on the street beside our hotel (pictures below). We had a couple of coktails and listened to a Thai lady singing Tracy Chapman.. awesome... and then a couple guys singing Bob Marley ...great!
Today was gogg too, WE woke up super early and decided to go against the pre-made tour thing and took a local train 1 and a half hours to Ayuthaya; an ancient city just outside of Bangkok. We had met a guy in Hanoi that mentioned he rented a bike and toured the city and it was great so we figured we would do the same. We got to the rental shop around 9 (also the police station??? ahah)and pciked up some sweet cruisin' bikes! We toured around and checked out old Wats, huge Buhdda statues and a lot of dogs!(pictures below).
We hopped back on the train after a long hot day of riding and pretty much past out becasue we were so tired. Other than the man moping the floor of the train, then putting it inside the squatter toilet that was luckily right beside our seats and ringing it out with his hands... the ride was quite enjoyable.
A quick tuk-tuk ride and now we are back on Koh San. Tonight will be an early night i think since tomorrow we will be visiting the floating markets at 7:00 a.m and then heading to Cambodia the day after.
I'll try to post the floating market pictures soon since it looks pretty crazy in the pictures i've seen. Hope everyone is well.... we'll be home so soon!
miss you,
ps: Thanks for all the comments dad, you make me laugh.
pps: Happy Anniversary Uncle Mike and Aunt Claire!
well of course my sister has found a coyboy hat!!! hehehe you 3 look great and can't wait to hear all your stories,,, sorry for the short comment need to read .. :)
be safe ash
Well, here I am! It's Your Mother - I must have an entry in your China blog adventure before you come home - PLUS I don't want dad showing me up (Linds, between you and I, I think Dad's getting carried away with this blogging). Great to see that Jess has made it - you're together in China, Imagine that! I thought the same thing as Ash - were the heck did she get that hat!! I'm hugely enjoying your stories. It's been a treat & learning experience travelling with you in Grandpa Shields "new and revised" Reader's Digest Atlas. My how you're getting around! I hope you plan on visiting me for a week when come home -It will take at least that long to catch up. I tried bribing Dustin with my vespa but it didn't work. ... Be safe. Say hi to Jess and Julie. A few more weeks! Will Talk to you soon
Love you - me!
Hay who's that "REDVESPA" she sounds "HOT".."HOT".."HOT".....just daddyo.....whoja think....b good
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