Monday, April 14, 2008


Hello again everyone.
A few pictures will be coming soon i hope. Not many, but this IS a blog and therefore you are most likely to read my ramblings on...

I've been asked a lot of questions about the day to day and school life here in Jiangmen. The school i live and teach at called Boren Sino-Candian school is about 15minutes from anything in the city of Jiangmen. Some of the student teachers i came with are teaching downtown Jiangmen and are experiencing more of the day to day chinese culture. Lucklily i will be continuing with my last week their to observe chinese schools, large class sizes and to observe how teachers teach.

My classes are going alright however it is ofcourse not what i was expecting at all. The students have a low level of english (or they just don't feel comfortable speaking)and i am trying to teach them enlgish renaissance poetry which is an entirely different language again.... They often look at me like i have three heads. A classroom discussion is not the easiest thing to get through. I was told that the students speak english well since they are teaching the ontario curriculum here, however this is not the case. I have been able to play a few games and activities with them. They likfe to Canada souvenir prizes and become more engaged in class this way.

During the day i teach 8- 10:10 and i mostly prepare for lessons or check email and writre in my journal. Our dorms are locked from 7:30-12:00 and then again from 2:30-5:00 and then again from 7:00-9:00 we (teachers)are either locked up or down during those times because the students live here too and are only allowed in their rooms at specific times.
EVERYTHING HERE IS LOCKED or on reserve, paper,markers, every door, western washrooms and elevators, oh even extra toilet paper. We have hot showers from 7-8 or 9:30-10:30 therefore if we go out for dinner or anythign else we have to be back for this. I've only had two hot showers so far but i'm getting used to the cold ones!
There is air condition...sort of, that goes on at certain times (like the showers) and the internet. Nothing is wasted, which i really like. When everything is saved and locked up it is very frustrating to get things done however it also makes a lot of sense since electricity is in high demand and very very expensive.

What else??? I'm getting sick of Chinese cafeteria food so i mostly have fruit for breakfast or rice and apples and peanut butter or noodle soup for lunch. I try to go out for dinner to get out of the school so that i don't go crazy.

We can put our laundry out in bins in the hall although, as some of us found out you must include the detergeant or your clothes smell worse than when you sent them! WE also need to take an inventory of our clothes when they return to ensure we have everything... in trade of a dress my friend ended up with random man's underwear???? Then, we have to try to communicate what we are missing to the laundry ladies by playing a quick game of sherades. They laugh.

Next week will be interresting to see the primary /junior elementary school ,the kids are so cute and excited about learning english!
I'm looking forward to going into the city tongiht to try to get some dresses made at the tailors. Julie (my cantones speaking roomate)will help me!

That's all for now, i hope that gives you a better idea of whats up!
I'm not sure about this wekeend.... i'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

The Gift Geek said...

I love reading your blog each day and your photos are great! Have fun!