Hello. I hope you all had an exciting weekend. Ours was pretty low key. The weater called for a typhoon, which is a lot cooler than it sounds. It is really just a big rain storm that lasts for a long time and its is also fairly windy. Other that that not too exciting.
Let's see.... oh i wrote to you saturday morning... oh saturday afternoon we took a ittle day trip to Haiping which is about an hour and half away from Jiangmen. The weather was awful so there wasn't too much to do and we had to pull over a few times because of the weather warnings. Haiping is a relly old town with a lot of european influence. The streets are really narrow and the buildings are all very decrepit. We saw it in a rain storm so i thin kmost of the towns people were indoors. It felt a little bit lef tbehind especially compared to the business we've bcome accustomed to. It did however feel very peaceful.
In Haiping we also vistied a movie studio that a lot of Chinese movies are filmed in. It was really neat to see the studio leaking durin gthe rainstorm. It looked like an abandoned village with an enormous mansion however the closer i looked i realized everything that looked like teek was acually made of foam!
After this we walked down the covered streets and stumbled upon a kung fu school/studio kind of....we saw to girls in the back who were on high wooden shoes to practise balancing while learning manoevers. They were realy friedly and were both 15 years old. Here, we also baugt beautiful silk chinese fans from the owner.
We continued our trip by bus to the watchtowers jsut outside of town hat were built in the late 18 C. or early 19C. to protect China from Japanese intruders as well as thieves from abroad. Some of the watchtowers were over 6 stories high, made of stone with a lookout at the top. They gave a great view of the countryside.
After this we headed back to Jiangmen but first sopped for something to eat (i thin kit was still Haiping but i'm not sure) We had some rice bowls and vegetables. I met a few school grils who waanted to practise teir english. It was the first time they had seen a white person in real life so they were very excited. Julie started poking me to ensure them that i was real.
Sunday we travelled to Guangzhou to a few pars and temples that i don't remember the names of righ tnow but i'll post later. We shopped around a bit and found some cheap tank tops for the next part of the trip. Since we were in a large city we ate McDonalds (McDonald's count is now at 2, not including ice cream, it doesn't count)!
Today i was a tthe elemtnary school in town and the kids were so excited and enthusiastic. It looked like they were in pain with their hands up because they wanted to participate so badly...
oh super time, i'll write more later.
bye for now.
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