WHOA! SYSTEM OVERLAOD! We arrived back at the dorms from Hong Kong last ngiht after a three hour fairy ride that was quite enjoyable. Back to timed showers and hard beds. Our hotel in Hong Kong was amazing... hot water, beautiful view of the ocean and a lot of buildings of course..... we suished three to a room and pushed two single beds together. I was a champ and slept in the crack without a pillow! I didn't want to get to comfortable knowing we were coming back here.
The first day we arrived in Hong Kong by ferry and our guide from the school, Mark (who is the guidance councilor and Hong Kongese... yes that's how you say it but i like Hong Kongian more) brought us out for way toooooo much Dim Sum which was beautiful and then we walked throught the crazy narrow streets of the city to the jade market where we bought some souvenirs. Oh, and yes Ted you are right, random drops from the sky and building do fall everywhere and their is a haze over the city.. they say its fog... i'm not too sure. But the city is great!
What else... Oh yes we then went to Repulse Bay along the shore of the south island (this is where the british would repulse someone attacking the island... i need to do more research, i'm a little slow.....) WE took a lot of photos here ofcourse. We then went on to dinner at a really fancy floating restaurant (in running shoes and lulu pants!) called THE JUMBO... then we took a walk to the top of Hong Kong to overlook the city and Victoria bay at night. My friend Melanie got great photos with her camera, i'll try to post some eventually. And then back to our room for a nice rest and a LONG HOT shower : )
Yesterday we (Melanie, Julie and I) took public transit back to the south island to Stanley Market where i bought few beautiful souvenirs and had apeice of pizza.. western food! so good! The market was also full of western people with tour guides and name tags... i saw Bob and Tammy (such tourist names)hahah. I also saw a lot of families travelling together and missed mom, dad and ash : (
Then we took the bus and subway back to the ferry dock. We were very prod of ourselves for navigating the city and the crazy double decker streetcars and busses.
Phew... i'm tired..... thats a lot of details. I'm sure i missed alot but i think anyone who is still reading is ready to stop. So, Dustin said he would post some pictures for me! Check back soon!
Hong Kong really was amazing. There were so many buildings! The building are all so high and super skinny. they also seemed so high because they are all so close together. There are also a lot of escapes from the city, a lot of parks and island to go to which is nice. I don't really know how else to explain it! Dirty, Clean, Beautiful, huge, tall, smelly, fun.....everything really.
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