I started teaching today and it went fairly well. I teach the same class over three times which gets boring for me but at least i can improve on the teaching each time. My M.T. (mentor teacher for those of you outside education) has just thrown me in there without demonstration so i'm doing my best! The kids are really nice however if their english isn't too good they get board really fast; imagine sitting through a lesson on poetry in mandarin or cantonese? BORING> I have one more class to teach this afternoon.
I tried uploading photos but it didn't work, i'll try later tonight (well this morning for you) and see if i can get it to work.
We went for a great walk last night around Jiangmen with Anna, one of the other teachers who has been here for 3 years. She took us to a great Korean restaurant because we are quickly getting tired of chinese cafeteria food. Maybe Thai tonight! The whole meal for 6 of us was only 246 RMB which is 46ish each which is like 8 dollars Canadian.. if was a lot of food and drinks and a realy fancy place so you could imagine how much food at a normal restaurant would be.
I'll definately try to post some pictures of the walk, its was great. Down alleys and
through shops. Alot of markets as well. Even a few guys tyring to sell live turtles, frogs and eels all tied together so they wouldn't get away! (to eat ofcourse).
Well, its almost lunch so i'm off to have a rest and prep for my next lesson.
This weekend we'll be in Hong Kong.
Hey cug, I got no idea if you can access comments but I'm leaving one anyway. I can't friggin' believe you are in china..how cool is that and if you start to get culture shocked or home sick just remember you're in China baby!!! Enjoy every second cause soon enough you'll be back to same old same old : ) Much Love from me and the family!
Hi Lindsey, it sounds like you are experiencing all kinds of excitement....I am with cousin Jenny...you'll be home before you know it...take it all in as it is an experience of a lifetime. Can't wait to see your pictures...maybe I will go to China to teach or just travel when I retire in a few years...what do you think? Keep adding the entries, as I am really enjoying the updates. Stay safe and enjoy!
Hey sis... so funny about the turtles my students thought that was so hilarious... Well I made a killer dinner tonight for all with Mike's help. I even took a photo for you but I have no idea how to post it. Mike is done school 2mor and will be working in Newmarket full time from now till summer so I think I might only cook 2 days and manipulate the gym.... all else is well I will let you know how Hunter's 1st communion goes this weekend...have a GREAT time in Hong Kong.... kepp safe love you ash
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