Sabaidee everyone! I thought i would write a quick post since we will be leaving Luang Probang by slow boat tomorrow and heading north west to Huay Xai where we will be trecking through the jungle and living in tree houses so i'm not sure when i will get to post next.... Anyhow, i forgot my camera cord at the hostel so no pics at the moment.. next time for sure.
This morning we woke up at 5:00 a.m. to see the monks accept food from the village this tradition is called Almsgiving (i wrote about it earlier). Julie bought some food to feed to over 100 monks in a prosession in bright orange robes, and then shared with me too! The food they collect every morning is the only food they eat all day and throughout the procession they give half of it away to small children begging. It was beautiful to see but a little bit sad. It was also odd to see so many people being shuttled in with their huge flash cameras in the faces of the monks. I'm not any better i suppose but at least i had a little camera and no flash and i wasn't right in their faces. Julie and i were trying to decide weither its good to be a tourist or not but i figure we menat well and really appreciated the experience so that was okay. The monks are very misterious and i'm not sure if they're allowed to talk to woman in tank tops so we haven't befriended any unfortunately. However, we do know that many boys become monks to escape from poverty as well as learn english to hopefully find employement at a later age. Some of them are sooooo young, they have to be only 7 or 8 and other are ofcourse elderley.
The rest of the moring we took a long boat to the temple of a thousand Buddhas (i love how the boat names are so descriptive, know what you're getting yourself into) and also stopped at the Whisky Village where they make Lao Lao (Loation moonshine). We were back for the afternoon and i tried to nap off the cold i seem to still have but it was too hot!!!! So instead we got pedicures at the spa!!! ahahaha my toes are a beautiful pinky orange colour reminiscent of the 80's ...LOVE IT!
I'll post pics of the Almsgiving soon, they're really pretty.
Hope everyone is well.
Thanks for the message Mac, glad you and Lana our home!Oh and yes you swing into the air and land in the river!!!!
OH AND HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, Mother!!!!!!!! And all mothers reading too!
I just read about an Earthquake somewhere in China. My asian geography is rusty, so I'm kind of worried about you. Leave a message and let us all know you're okay.
same as Patrick. Just concerned=) Must say that I know what you mean about the elephant thing and cameras in monks faces. It's hard not to be invasive, but your trying so hard to record some of the most amazing memories of your life to film. I get it. Hope you get feeling better soon and hope that you are no where near the devastation that has struck!
Sincere love and be safe.
hello all... just wanted to let you know that Lindsey was on her way to Thiland during the quake, so she is pretty far from it (well from what I understand) that being said I am sure she felt a little of it. If she calls home or emails before she post another blog I will let you all know :)
ha babby wats up........let us kno if your "still" out there.........did u feel "IT" or what.....sounds and looks like all is well and having a great time......keep the kodack momment comming........."DADDYO"
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