Hello everyone,
Things have slowed down quite a bit. I hardly know what to do with myself. We've decided to stay in Koh Tao for 3 more days and relax before heading to the hustle and bustle of Bangkok to meet Jess.
The celebration for completing the open water dive certification was great, we danced on the beach well into the night and met some nice Canadians as well as an entertaining irish man who kept telling us "I'm a dying breed!" ?????? I couldn't get over the accent, i swear he was speaking english but i had no idea what he was saying. So ofcourse i laughed a lot ...he thought i was laughing at him which made him louder and more halarious and caused me to laugh more...
Today we hung out on the beach most of the day, i put sunscreen on and sat in the shade however i guess i was out too long since i had to make a stop for some cooling aloa vera at the pharmacy to ease my red tummy. ITs crazy, there are so many people just roasting in the sun all day and i was in the shade and got toasty. Its impossible to stay out of the sun really. Tomorrow i've decided to find a comfortable restuarant on the beach to read, drink fruit shakes and eat...in the shade all day. Rough day, i know.
I'm trying to chill out however i've solidified my position as a traveller unable to relax. The goal tomorrow will be to read. That's it. Nothing more....wish me luck. I've gotten through four books so far and traded them for three more... The Beach (which we watched last ngiht), The killing fields (which i'm reading now; about Cambodia)and A Dragon Apparent (Lewis, about travel thoguh Lao, Cambodia and Vietnam). So i have secured ample amounts of reading material, the only thing left to do is read! I havn't been successful in accomplishing many drawings; again, i can't rrelax. I've taken lots of pictures to use as reference and maybe tomorrow i'll feel the drawing vibe.
Not to much else to say today (or for the next few days i'm sure since they will be a lot like this one..) However i am trying to appreciate the relaxing time because ofcourse it will be over before i know it and i'll be running around Beijing tryign to fit in all the sites.
Hope everyone is doing good. Dad, thanks for the update, don't give away too many reno secrets to Dustin.
Love you, miss you,
ps: more pics of the celebration (getting ready to watch our movie and my dive group...and daily beach life... yes a lot of sunsets... they're so pretty.
Hi Lindsey, ok to relax this is what you need to do: Asume the yoga relaxing position, put wrists on knees and go AAAOUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. That should help ,,,,right? ;-) Be safe... Giovanni ( Montreal)
Hay babby....it's me your daddyo....things are pickin up here..."not" relaxin on a beach....Iv got 2 minutes before heading up to the hustle bustle of "JODY'S" place...Dustin and I celabrated a couple a nights ago by dancing on the deck just shortley after haveing a "few" cocktails ofcource "well into the evening".....between me with my strep throut and Dustin with his hackin WE are a interesting condo reno team..we have been told NO noise past 5pm...ya rite.....well should go I think we are going over tonight to "almost" finsh up at Jodys......by for now miss ya..love ya......Daddyo
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