Hello from Ko Tao!
Hi everyone..finally we have arrived and chilled out on the beach for the past week or so. We made it to Thailand and spent a day in Chiang Rai were we went to look at a couple wats (after seeing 5 or 6 you've seen them all!) and relaxed. We also found a crazy used book store run my a dutch man that we spent some time in and spoke with him and his family. We then took an overnight bus to Bangkok were we decide to get our hair done and go see a movie.. you might think this is boring; if so, you have never been to a movie in Bangkok! ITs crazy, you can choose your seat as well as what type of chair you're like and you are treated like royalty. Everyone is also dressed really nice. Ofcourse Julie and i walk in after an overnight bus ride in our comfy pants... at least we had pretty hair!
We then went to the huge mall and caught a glimpse of a Thai boy band.... they were awfully cheesy..think Backstreet boys in the biginning ..only now!
LAter, we relaized that we had to take another overnight bus down to the island of Ko Phagnan to find a place ang get ready for the legendary full moon party. We decide to stay on the far side of the island to get away from the people and grime of an all ngiht party. Our bungalow was beautiful! Right on the beach, literall ystep off the porch and white sand! The bungalow itself wasn't so pretty but hey, for 4 dollars a night on the beach is good for me. There were only two other family run resorts on the beach since it was so secluded and the middl;e one played movies every night after dark so that was nice to relax.
Anyway... we all hopped in a truck the ngiht of the full moon party to make it to Hat Rin beach which was about 45 mins. way, we then had to meet back at 6:30 a.m. for our return trip to the bungalow. The party was crazy! Such an experience... not really our scene but it was beautiful to see so many people having a great time. We danced on the beach for most of the ngiht and had a good time just watching people walk around all painted up! We also met up with a couple friends from York U. which was great. When the sun began to rise we found our way back to the truck and had a bumpy and sleepy ride back. I can't even describe how beautiful it was! When we got back to our beach there was absolutely no one there since everyone went straight to sleep. They shut off the electricity at 12:00 pm to 11:00 a.m so iot was difficult to fall asleep in the heat. I mad emy way to the hamok and eventually just slept in the sand...
We chilled out for a few days at the beautiful beach and today made our way here to Koh Tao where i will be taking my PADI (intro scuba) certification course. Julie isn't sure yet because she's nervous about the whole water and depth thing (understandably so) so she'll come to the intro with me tomorrow and we'll see from there. The beaches here aren't quite as nice but the water is beautiful and its the place to 'dive' and see a lot of fish! I'm hoping not to see any sharks. We'll stay here for a week i think before making our way back to Bangkok to meet up with Jess.
Anyway... not much else to report! Things are generally good and very hot!!! Miss everyone and i'm definately gettin gtired of lugging this damn backpack around. I saw a bunch or girls wheelings their suitcases down the beach and thought "nerds" but secretly i thought they were soooo lucky...!
bye for now.
ps: thanks for the messages dad! Miss you too! I am being good, really, and having fun!
1 comment:
HAY babby.....things are sounding/looking "great"...the scuba thing...very cool.....you might leave that out of your mothers email/correspondence....the black honda? scooter..you could bring that back for me/dustin...looks like a very relaxing time......miss you.......be good.....say hi to Julie from all of us........see u soon Daddyo
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