Took a 6 hour bus ride to Luang Probang yesterday. It was supposed to be an air conditioned bu but they turned off the air about 10 mins. into the trip ofcourse! We stopped at a small village for lunch and Damien, an Australian guy travelling alone for a bit so we had lunch and tried to eat witout feeling too guilty at all the kids staring at us. We shared some sandwhich and they picked out the veggies and threw them to the dog..ahah i guess they weren't as desperate as they looked.
The kids here are so halarious. They are such hard workers and are so smart. After lunch i thought i should find a washroom before continuing the trip and risking a 'roadside stop' (literally) so i went to the back of the restaurant and a sweet little girl showed me where the washroom was. It was surprisingly nice so i was a little bit confused. When i exited to washroom she was standing there with a sign that said "2,000 kip" ahhha business lady! I Started laughing and then she said "okay, 5,000 kip" ....i paid 2 and figured it would be good blog material!
We arrived in Luang Probang yesterday around 5 (this is where we will be getting on the 2 day slow boat to make our way to North West Laos and cross over to Thailand),went to the beautifully touristy night market and had some Beer Laos. It is insanely hot here..we went to a temple this morning which was pretty and now we are at the internet cafe because it is so freaking hot.... hoping to go see waterfalls this afternoon and go for a long swim! There is monk in a gorgeous orange robe checking his email next to me..kinda weird.The monks participate in a procession through town at 6 a.m each morning to collect food for the day. They can only collect food donated to them by family or by receiving alms from the public. After a little bit of research about the city of Luang Probang (which is now a unesco world heritage site) it is quite sad. Its such a beautiful city but its being taken over by people like me (tourits). This is something we've been having a weird time with. We want to take picutures and will ask if we can however it seems so intrusive. Ofcourse we all want to see such beautiful things however at what cost to culture. There are many interresting articles online about this topic if you're interrested google it of check out this link:
bye for now, i'll write again soon because its too hot to do anything else!
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