Hello everyone,
I hope things are going good in Canada, things are great here.
Thanks for the message cousin Jenny! I am definately doing a few things a day that scare me and trying to soak in all the opportunities! Also hello to the family and to Claudia on her first communion, take a lot of pictures!
Also, Congratulations to all the graduate teachers at York.. if any of you are still reading... Rad posted photos of the party. It was so nice to see all of you! So many teachers!!!
Today i started my PADI (open water dive) trainning in the pool all morning. It went really well and i'm so excited to go out into the ocean tomorrow afternoon for the real thing. I omly got a little bit of water up my nose but i didn't panick and rise to the top, i struglled through and kept breathing through my mouth.Its so interresting to be underwater for long amounts of time. It is however very difficult to breathe only through your mouth and not your nose. The salt water will be interresting too. I have a really nice diving buddy from Germany, he helps me with the heavy gear although i told him i can do it, i'm a big girl!
There is however a lot involved so its a lot to learn in 4 days.. what to press and when and when not to, equalize pressure so your ears don't hurt, ascend sloly my swimming, taking all your gear off underwater and puttin git back on...ahhhhh a lot to do but its go great to learn something new that is so rewarding. The key is to stay calm and keep breathing!
Tomorrow and the next day we'll be diving in open water so i hope to see some great fish and have a good time. I'm tryign to stay out of the sun but its so hard. All i do is put on suntan lotion and then sweat or swim it off and then put some more on... its a little bit hard not to get sun under the water though. I'll bring an underwater camera i hope so i can take some pictures!
Not much else is up, taking it easy... There's a great resautrant on the island that plays movies right on the beach so we've been poping by there to see whats playing. Its really relaxing. However, i have to stay focused and get a lot of sleep for the next couple days until the course is over. After that i'll take advantage of the island and the relaxing lifestyle before heading back to the busy busy busy city of Bangkok to meet Jess.
Well, thats it for me today... here are some pictures of the ocean, a guy making amazing crepe/pancakes filled with goodness, a little scuba man i made out of some clay i bought at the 7-11, the movie bar and finally all the flip flops outside every restaurant/store... no shoes allowed!
Totally dude....take lots of pictures under the water if you can. Suba diving sounds so fun. Take care
Hey Lindsey. We are at aunt sonya's for the communion and Claudia says THANK YOU. Poor Dustin has been playing with the kids for the whole day and he is so tired :) but haveing a lot of fun. We all miss you and say hello. Have a good couple of days and we will talk to you soon. bisou bisou be safe.
Hay babby.......all looks good...."NICE" play do scuba man.5 yaers at ocad "not" wasted...have fun be good....Daddto
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