Tsingtao! I just learned hello in Vietnamese and now we're in Laos... and i can't pronounce a thing.
We arrived back in Hanoi yesterday afternoon (back from Cat Ba and Halong Bay) and met up with a couple of friends from my china teaching program. We also met another traveller from D.C. so we all decided to go out for dinner, wonder the night market and then found a great bar that served buckets of tasty drinks! Unfortunately we had to wake up at 5:00 to catch our flight and we are now very tired. Julie is the queen of naps and has already had 3 today. No 4! one in the cab on the way to the airport, waiting for the plane, on the plane, in the internet cafe and finally in the cafe at diner while i read and we waited for the crazy downpoor to stop... oh hey that's 5! It's acaully pretty amazing.
Today we arrived in Vientiane, Laos. We got here really early and got a great hotel with a beautiful garden courtyard where we will have breakfast tomorrow morning before moving on to Vang Vien for some tubing down the river!
We weren't originally going to come to Vientiane however i'm finally glad to see a city that is A LOT more laid back. I havn't heard a horn all day! We've only been here a day and i can already tell that Laos will be just what we needed. No more cities! We made our way by Tuk-Tuk to a monument in Vientiane representing Buddhist religion and Lao pride. It was a nice afternoon to wonder but insanely hot out! I better get used to it... at the monument we saw a bunch of birds in small cages and finally realized that they are caught for prayer. Ater you say a prayer you release them. So we did...
I think it will be an early night since we have an early morning and it is pooring outside. Luckily the hotel has HBO on satellite! ahah
Talk to you soon
ps: thanks for the comments too... i can now read and post everything! ITs great to hear from you!
I'm posting a comment specifically because Julie told us not to.
I believe it's because she feels bad that people you don't know (i.e., me) are privvy to your adventures.
Julie - you suck.
Also, I am jealous.
sister... once again it sounds like you are having a hard time...ahaha it is a running joke on Roxton at night when dad, dustin and I see eachother after a long day of working. We are all like, man it's too bad lindsey is haveing such a bad time...we say all this because we know you and Julie are having a wonderful and restful time and we are VERY JEALOUS!! Martina and Claudia were over picking Aunt Sonya up and they went to your desk and just sighed and say "i miss my lindsey" after they asked for the 10000000 time if your butterflies on the walls were real. I which I replied.. yes you know they are.... they are little nuts :). But I will get moving here miss you be safe and don't spend too much money on me. HEHEHEHEHEHEH xo
Hi Lindsey
Wow, what an amazing trip you are on!! Sounds wonderful....you are naming places I am not even familiar with. Keep notes as I may use your itinerary when I retire and make this trip....it sounds like you are safe and meeting people along the way too. I am with Ashley...it is quite hard to read about your good times when we are here working.....enjoy and keep updating...love reading your entries...I can actually see / hear you speaking when I read..take care, Commare Dina
Hay.....who the hell is nitin.....HAY I got a good one....knock..knock ....whats you doing .......nittin ...I think its one of those ones that you have to "be There"....BE GOOD....be safe .....daddyo
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